How Thick Should Concrete Floors Be for a Car Lift?

Selecting the right thickness for concrete floors when installing a car lift is a critical consideration for contractors and business owners alike. Explore the various factors that one must consider when planning a lift installation, including the weight of the vehicle, the properties of the concrete, and how thick concrete floors should be for a car lift. It’s also important to understand the consequences of inadequate concrete thickness. Learn more about the installation requirements and potential risks below.


When determining how thick concrete floors should be for a car lift, you must first consider the weight capacity of the lift and the maximum weight of the vehicles that it will lift. Most car lifts have a weight capacity ranging from 9,000 to 14,000 pounds. Therefore, the thickness of the concrete must be able to support the combination of the lift's weight and the vehicle's weight.

Experts and lift manufacturers recommend a minimum concrete thickness of 4 inches. However, depending on the weight capacity, it may be necessary to increase the thickness to 6 to 8 inches. For example, for a three-car hoist that supports more vehicle weight, concrete should be at least 6 inches in depth. Consult the manufacturer of the car lift to ensure the concrete thickness is adequate for your specific needs.


Failing to install a concrete floor thick enough to support the weight of the lift and vehicle could result in severe consequences. Inadequate thickness can lead to structural damage, such as cracking, sinking, and even complete failure of the floor. This can be especially detrimental in a commercial setting where multiple car lifts and multi-stacking three-car hoists are in use daily. Equipment failure can also occur, causing damage to both the lift and the vehicle. These issues lead to costly repairs and potential harm to employees or customers; check with your manufacturer first to avoid accidents.


Selecting the appropriate type of concrete for your car lift installation will ensure the durability and reliability of your floor. There are various types of concrete available, each with unique benefits and limitations.

Commercial concrete is the best choice, providing a balance of strength and cost-effectiveness. High-strength concrete is another option to consider, particularly for high-capacity lifts or heavy-duty applications. This type of concrete offers increased resistance to wear and tear, making it ideal for industrial use.

Regardless of the type of concrete you choose, you should always consult a professional concrete contractor or structural engineer to ensure your floor can withstand the forces exerted by the lift and the vehicle.

By carefully considering how thick your concrete floor should be for a car lift and working alongside industry professionals, you can ensure your car lift installation meets industry standards. For safe, reliable, and efficient lifts for years to come, trust the professionals at Harding Steel. If you’re looking for more information about three-car hoists and other lift models, visit us today. We’re happy to provide you with professional installation instructions for any of our lifts.